Hey, what are you doing down here?

Truth is this site is still brand new and I'm still working on the responsiveness, so bare with me.

It should be a okay on your desktop or tablet.

catholic relief services

CRS is one of the largest humanitarian agencies in the world. I partnered with them to assist with an organization wide digital rebranding effort.


The primary challenge for the Catholic Relief Services rebranding project was coming up with a flexible yet consistent development process that could scale across multiple CMS (content management system) platforms and theme architectures.

  • Portfolio images
  • Portfolio images
  • Portfolio images
  • Portfolio images
  • Portfolio images
  • Portfolio images
  • Portfolio images


For this particular project, the finished look and feel was already established by one heck of a designer at Catholic Relief Services (hey Meg!), so the bulk of the creative work was already done before I even stepped foot int he door.

With that said, after analyzing the many intracacies of each of the development environments and their themes, it became increasingly apparent that was not going to be a cakewalk.

  • Portfolio images
  • Portfolio images
  • Portfolio images

development phase

I created the front-end piece of this application using the angular material framework.

Being that I'm in the process of learning angular, I strayed away from routing and other core angular concepts, and strictly provided clean markup for the team to incorporate based on the final mockups that the client signed off on.

  • Portfolio images
  • Portfolio images
  • Portfolio images

key takeaways

When working with a team that's been put together for a specific project that has no past experience working together, I found that my leadership and a proven process were essential to successfully completing the project.

e. csbmedia@gmail.com / p. 301-769-1468

developer. designer. strategist.